Histological and Histochemical Detection for the Gastric gland in Neonatal Wild Rabbit (Oryctolagus Cuniculus) in Iraq


  • Alaa Naji Salih Department of Biology, College of Education for Pure Science, Wasit University, IRAQ




histological ,stomach, neonatal, wild rabbit


The aim of this study to determine the histological structure of stomach in neonatal wild rabbit in Iraqi. Ten neonatal wild rabbit are collected from the Wasit city markets which divide into two group, first group include five animals in 5day, second group include 5 animals in 10 day. Animals were deeply anesthetized with intramuscular injections of ketamine and xylazine, then slaughter were done. uptake 10 tissue specimens from stomach then cut into 3 parts cardiac, fundus, and pyloric, routine histological procedure to prepare histological slides. This study showed the stomach wall in neonatal was consist of tunics; mucosa, sub mucosa, muscularis & serosa. Mucosa surface lining by simple columnar (S.C) epithelium .it showed increase in thickness tunics of wall stomach with the progressive of age. Three types of stomach glands appears in wall of stomach and raise with the old progress. As bifurcated tubular spiral short gland in the first and third glands zone while in second glands zone they appear as simple bifurcated tubular long straight over most of their length and spiral at base portion, The cardiac glands zone revealed as composed of the prominent cells mucous secreting cells and few number of oxyntic cells which not obviously raise in numbers with age progress. The fundic glands consist of various kinds of cells but the two major cells are oxyntic & peptic cells which very mild raise in numbers with the old. Pylorus glands appear consist of mucous secreting cells which are the prominent cells with less numerals of oxyntic cells which not obviously raise in number with old progress.


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How to Cite

Naji Salih, A. (2024). Histological and Histochemical Detection for the Gastric gland in Neonatal Wild Rabbit (Oryctolagus Cuniculus) in Iraq. Wasit Journal for Pure Sciences , 3(3), 165-171. https://doi.org/10.31185/wjps.456