Security and Information Technology for Big Data


  • Haifaa Jassim Muhasin Computer Science Department College of Education for Pure Science/ Ibn Al-Haitham University of Baghdad, IRAQ
  • Ali Yahya Gheni Computer Science Department College of Education for Pure Science/ Ibn Al-Haitham University of Baghdad, IRAQ,
  • Hiba Adil Yousif Computer Science Department College of Education for Pure Science/ Ibn Al-Haitham University of Baghdad, IRAQ.



Keywords: big data, big data security, privacy, information technology, data management


Big data has grown in importance in a variety of corporate and academic fields as a result of substantial changes in human behavior and lifestyles. While this focus simplifies data management, big data is regarded as important in many industrial areas because it can be merged with other types of data. Big data can be managed alongside other types of data, particularly in large organizations that handle a range of data types. This type of management contributes to the improvement and development of the organizational structure, as well as raising the skill level of employees in these organizations. Despite these benefits, there are numerous concerns, particularly throughout the stages of data gathering and storage, when there is a risk of hacking or leakage, as well as the difficulty of sorting and identifying data. For these reasons, big data protection is regarded as one of the most important issues discussed in this paper in order to develop an appropriate framework for protecting big data related to companies, as well as methods for dealing with this data in order to develop an appropriate strategy to protect big data security and privacy.




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How to Cite

Muhasin, H. J., Gheni, A. Y., & Yousif, H. A. . . (2024). Security and Information Technology for Big Data. Wasit Journal for Pure Sciences , 3(2), 185-193.