Arabic and English Texts Encryption Using Modified Playfair Algorithm


  • luheb qurban Computer Science Department, College of Education for Pure Science/Ibn Al-Haitham, University of Baghdad



To maintain the security and integrity of data, with the growth of the Internet and the increasing prevalence of transmission channels, it is necessary to strengthen security and develop several algorithms. The substitution scheme is the Playfair cipher. The traditional Playfair scheme uses a small 5*5 matrix containing only uppercase letters, making it vulnerable to hackers and cryptanalysis. In this study, a new encryption and decryption approach is proposed to enhance the resistance of the Playfair cipher. For this purpose, the development of symmetric cryptography based on shared secrets is desired. The proposed Playfair method uses a 5*5 keyword matrix for English and a 6*6 keyword matrix for Arabic to encrypt the alphabets of both languages.


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How to Cite

qurban, luheb. (2024). Arabic and English Texts Encryption Using Modified Playfair Algorithm. Wasit Journal for Pure Sciences , 3(1), 74-82.